Once when I was a kid, I went to the bookstore with my mom, and while she wasn't looking, I sneaked out to take a look at the toy store nearby. I was only 4 so I wasn't aware of the unfortunate things that could have happened to me. After admiring the toys for a while, I went into the bookstore to find my mom but she wasn't there. I started to panic. The guard asked me if I had been lost but dumb enough, I said I was ok (I was always the stupidly brave kid). I didn't want to seek any help from others. All I wanted was to find my mom. So I went out of the bookstore and wondered around cluelessly. The lady at the toys tore took pity on me and offered to bring me home. At this point, you've got to know that my sense of direction can't be worse. So, the lady took me around for more than 15 minutes until I could finally locate my house. My mom was at the front gate looking panic. Of course, she gave me a long speech that for the life of me, I can't remember a word.
That story was more than 19 years ago. It was when people used beeper and there was no cable TV. That lady in my story is still selling toys nearby the bookstore, and she is still the sweet lady who saved me that day. The thing is, despite what people say about how dangerous and deceitful Saigon is, I do believe the city and its people are still in the age of innocence. It wouldn't be too rare to bump into people who would tell you to put your kickstand up or to tuck your money into your back pockets.
The kindness of strangers still exists in the heart of Saigon after all.
I love the city, but it drives me crazy sometimes. I always find myself drained driving home during the rush hours. I'm nervous about the rainy season because the rain usually comes when least expected. And when it rains, it pours. The pollution is also quite a headache. However, despite all that, I still find myself living in Saigon as happy as I could be because I've found thousands of ways to enjoy the city instead of moaning about pollution and whatnot.
I try to come to Nguyen hue square every week because this may be the most joyful place in the city. The people are always smiling and there are so many activities to help me wash away the worries.
Nguyen Hue Square at night
I also love discovering the little alleys and old apartments that are home to some amazing restaurants and coffee shops.

Gac hoa attic cafe - one of the hidden gems of Saigon
I also visit D7 once in a while to enjoy the tranquil atmosphere and the delicious Korean food.
My favorite spot in D7
If you ever listen to "Bohemian Rhapsody", you've got to admit it is one of the weirdest songs ever. When I first heard it, I thought it was a medley that I certainly didn't enjoy. Now, it is one of my all-time favorite songs. Saigon is like that for me. It is a medley with the blues during the rainy season, the rock 'n roll during the hot sunny days and the ballad during the breezy fall. I embrace every note of it. And if you listen closely to the sound of the city, you may love it too.
Thank you for reading.
P/S: Just in case you don't know the song Bohemian Rhapsody, here it is
P/S: Just in case you don't know the song Bohemian Rhapsody, here it is
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